New generation painless, non-surgical safe fat-dissolving treatment with skin tightening and contouring that doesn't leave you with loose skin like other fat-loss injectables due to its higher dose of Deoxycholic Acid. It's very effective in helping to break down stubborn fat cells and smoothing & tightening skin in the body areas, such as the:
💉🔥 Small Areas Bra Fat, U-Arms, Knees (Gynecomastia).
💉🔥 Large areas include one of these areas: Stomach, Love Handles, Upper Arms, Hips, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Buttocks, Banana Folds, Back or Male Breasts (Gynecomastia).
Combine with lymphatic drainage, wood therapy, iBelle sculpts or cellulite injections for faster-enhanced results.
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